関連文献・研究 (アスタキサンチンの概要)
1) Kuhn, R., Soerensen, N.A. : The coloring matters of the lobster (Astacus gammarus L.), Z. Angew.
Chem.,1938, 51, 465-466.
2) 日本水産学会編 : 水産動物のカロテノイド, 水産学シリーズ25, 1978, 恒星社厚生閣,東京.
3) Kamata T. : Chemistry of astaxanthin, 鹿児島県立短期大学紀要 自然科学編, 1990, 41, 29-43.
4) 細川雅史 : アスタキサンチン, 水産食品栄養学ー基礎からヒトへー, 鈴木平光,和田俊,三浦理代編著, 2004, 技術堂出版,東京.
5) Johnson, E.A., An, G.-H. : Astaxanthin from microbial sources, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 1991, 11, 297-326.
関連文献・研究 (天然界での存在)
1)幹渉 : 海洋生物のカロテノイド-代謝と生物活性, 水産学シリーズ[94],日本水産学会, 1993北水試、試験
1) Tischer, J. : Carotenoids of fresh-water algae V. The carotenoids of H. pluvialis, Z. Physiol. Chem., 1938, 252, 225-233.
2) Tischer, J. : Carotenoids of fresh-water algae VI. The epiphasic carotenoids and a colorless accompanying substance of some red Euglena species, Z. Physiol. Chem., 1939, 259, 163-170.
3) Kessler, E., Czygan, F. : Chlorela zofingiensis Donz, Isolerung neuer stamme und ihre physiologisch-
biochemischen eigenschaften, Ber. Deuts. Botani. Gesell., 1965, 78, 343-347.
4) Andrewes, A.G., Phaffia, H.J., Starr, M.P. : Carotenids of Phaffa rhodozyma, a red pigmented fermenting yeast, Phytochem., 1976, 15, 1003-1007.
5) Burgess, M.L., Barrow, K.D., Gao, C., Heard, G.M., Glenn, D. : Carotenoid glycoside esters from the
thermophilic bacterium Meiothermus ruber, J. Nat. Prod., 1999, 62, 859-863.
6) Manunta, C. : Astaxanthin and other terrestrrrial arthropods, Nature, 1948, 162, 298.
7) Cheesman, D.F. : Ovorubin, a chromoprotein from the eggs of the gastropod mollusc Pomacea
cancaliculata, Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 1958, 149, 571-587.
8) Czeczuga, B. : Astaxanthin ester, a dominating carotenoid in Taenia saginata (Cestoidea), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. Biol., 1975, 23, 829-832.
9) Czeczuga, B. : Astaxathin, a dominating carotenoid in four species of leeches, Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. Biol., 1977, 25, 85-87.
10) Kuhn, R., Soerensen, N.A. : The coloring matters of the lobster (Astacus gammarus L.), Z. Angew. Chem., 1938, 51, 465-466.
11) Hartmann, M., Medem, F.G., Kuhn, R., Bielig, H.-J. : Investigation of gamones of the rainbow trout, Z.
Naturforsch., 1947, 2b, 330-349.
12) De Nicola, M. : Carotenoids of the carapace of the echinoderm, Ophidiaster ophidianus, Biochem. J.,
1954, 56, 555-558.
13) De Nicola, M. : Astaxanthin in asteroid echinoderms Asterina panceri, Exp. Cell. Res., 1956, 10,
14) Fox, D.L., Crozier, G.F. : Astaxanthin in the blue oceanic barnacle Lepas fascicularis, Experientia, 1967, 23, 12-13.
15) Grangaud, R., Massonet, R. : Research on the biogenesis of the vitamin A of fish. I. Astaxanthin,
provitamin A for Gambusia holbrooki Grd, Arch. Sci. Physiol. (Paris), 1955, 9, 245-256.
16) Hata, M., Hata, M. : Carotenoid pigments in goldfish IV. Carotenoid metabolism, 日水誌, 1972, 38, 331.
17) Hata, M., Hata, M. : Carotenoid metabolism in fancy red carp. Cyprinus carpio-I Administration od
carotenoids, 日水誌, 1975, 41, 653.
18) Khare, A., Moss, G.P., Weedon, B.C., Matthews, A.D. : Identification of astaxanthin in Scottish salmon,
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 1973, 45, 971-973.
19) Katayama, T., Miyahara, T., Tanaka, T., Sameshuma, S., Simpson, K.L., Chichester, C.O. : The
biosynthesis of Astaxanthin -XV. The carotenoids in Chidai, red sea bream, Eoynnis japonica Tanaka and the incorporation of labelled astaxanthin from the diet of the red sea bream} to their body astaxanthin, Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish., 1974, 40, 97-103.
20) Czeczuga, B. : Carotenoids in fish. 5. Anguilla anguilla(L), Acta Hydrobiol., 1975, 17, 311-317.
21) Miki, W., Yamaguchi, K., Konosu, S. : Comparison of cartenoides in the ovaries of marine fish and
shellfish, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 1982, 71, 7-11.
22) Czeczuga, B. : Carotenoids in Fish. XXXII. Content of carotenoids in eggs utilized in the form of caviar, Folia Histochem. Cytochem.(Krakow), 1982, 20, 63-68.
23) Yamaguchi, K., Miki, W., Toriu, N., Kondo, Y., Murakami, M., Konosu, S., Satake, M., Fujita, T. : The
composition of carotenoid pigments in the antarctic krill Euphausia superba, Bull. Jap. Sos. Sci. Fish.,
1983, 49, 1411-1415.
24) Maoka, T.,Yokoi, S., Matsuno, T. : Comparative biochemical studies of carotenoids in nine species of
cephalopoda, Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 1989, 92, 247-250.
25) Gv, Neumann, H.J., Loevenich, H.K. : The nature of the oil droplets and visual substance, Arch. ges.
Physiol., 1943, 246, 652-663.
26) Volker, O. : Isolation of lutein from feathers, and the detection of astaxanthin in the plumage of certain
birds, Hoppe Seylers Z. Physiol. Chem., 1951, 288, 20-24.
27) Fox, D.L. : Astaxanthin in the American flamingo, Nature, 1955, 175, 942-943.
28) Goldsmith, T.H., Collins, J.S., Licht, S. : The cone oil droplets of avian retinas, Vision Res., 1984, 24,
29) Grangaud, R., Garcia, I., Massoent, R. : Presentation of evidence for astaxanthin in Triton nodifer,
Compt. Rend., 1952, 235, 446-448.
30) Lipetz, L.E. : Pigment types, densities and concentrations in cone oil droplets of Emydoidea blandingii, Vision Res., 1984, 24, 605-612.
31) Seybold, A., Goodwin, T.W. : Occurrence of astaxanthin in the flower petals of Adonis annua L., Nature, 1959, 184, 1714-1715.
1) GOODWIN,T.W. : Biochemistry of the Carotenoids, vol 2, Animals (CHAPMAN and HALL, London,
244 pp (1984).
2) 幹渉,藤田孝夫 : 魚類のカロテノイド代謝, 化学と生物, 1985, 23, 640〜648.
3) Khare, A., Moss, G.P., Weedon, B.C., Matthews, A.D. : Identification of astaxanthin in Scottish salmon,
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, 1973, 45, 971-973.
4) Craik, Z.C.A. : Egg quality ans egg pigment content in salmonid fish, Aquaculture, 1985, 47, 61-68.
5) 松野隆男,幹渉 : 動物におけるカロテノイドの生理機能と生物活性, 化学と生物, 1990, 28, 219-227.
6) Katayama T. et al : The biosynthesis of Astaxanthin -XV. The carotenoids in Chidai, red sea bream,
Eoynnis japonica Tanaka and {the incorporation of labelled astaxanthin from the diet of the red sea bream} to their body astaxanthin, Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish, 1974, 40, 97-103.
7) Hata, M., Hata, M. : Carotenoid metabolism in fancy red carp. Cyprinus carpio-I Administration od
carotenoids, 日水誌, 1975, 41, 653.
8) Hata, M., Hata, M. : Carotenoid pigments in goldfish IV. Carotenoid metabolism, 日水誌, 1972, 38, 331.
9) 日本水産学会編 : 水産動物のカロテノイド, 水産学シリーズ25, 1978, 恒星社厚生閣,東京
1) Kuhn, R., Soerensen, N.A. : The coloring matters of the lobster (Astacus gammarus L.), Z. Angew. Chem.,1938, 51, 465-466.
2) De Nicola,M. : Carotenoids of the carapace of the echinoderm, Ophidiaster ophidianus, Biochem. J., 1954, 56, 555-558.
3) Yamaguchi,K., Miki,W., Toriu, N., Kondo,Y., Murakami,M., Konosu,S., Satake,M., Fujita,T. : The
composition of carotenoid pigments in the antarctic krill Euphausia superba, Bull. Jap. Sos. Sci. Fish,
1983, 49, 1411-1415.
4) Cheesman, D.F., Prebble, J. : Astaxanthin ester as a prosthetic group: a carotenoprotein from the hermit crab, Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 1966, 17, 929-935.
5) Katayama, T., Kamata, T., Shimaya, M., Deshimsru, O., Chichester, C.O. : The biosynthesis of
Astaxanthin -VIII. The conversion of labelled β-carotene-15 15'-3H2 into astaxanthin in Prawn, Penaeus japonicus Bate, Bull. Jap. Soc. Sci. Fish, 1972, 38, 1171-1172.
6) Coral-Hinostroza,G.N., Bjerkeng,B. : Astaxanthin from the red crab langostilla (Pleuroncodes planipes):
optical R/S isomers and fatty acid moieties of astaxanthin esters, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem. Mol. Biol., 2002, 33, 437-444
1) Fox, D.L., Crozier, G.F. : Astaxanthin in the blue oceanic barnacle Lepas fascicularis, Experientia, 1967, 23, 12-13.
2) De Nicola,M. : Astaxanthin in asteroid echinoderms Asterina panceri, Exp. Cell Res., 1956, 10, 441-446.
3) Maoka,T.,Yokoi,S., Matsuno,T. : Comparative biochemical studies of carotenoids in nine species of
cephalopoda, Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 1989, 92, 247-250.
4) Cianci,M., Rizkallah,P.J., Olczak,A., Raftery,J., Chayen,N.E., Zagalsky,P.F., Helliwell,J.R. : Structure of
lobster apocrustacyanin A1 using softer X-rays, Acta Crystallogr. D Biol. Crystallogr., 2001, 57, 1219-1229.
Haematococcus pluvialis
1) Kakizono, T., Kobayashi, M., Nagai, S. : Effect of Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio on Encystment Accompanied with
Astaxanthin Formation in a Green Alga, Haematococcus pluvialis, J. Ferment. Bioeng., 1992, 74, 403-405.
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3) Tischer,J. : Carotenoids of fresh-water algae V. The carotenoids of H. pluvialis, Z. Physiol. Chem., 1938, 252, 225-233.
4) Tischer,J. : Carotenoids of fresh-water algae IX. The carotenoids of H. pluvialis, Z. Physiol. Chem., 1911, 281, 143-155.
5) 山下栄次 : 緑藻類ヘマトコッカス藻によるアスタキサンチンの工業的生産とその利用, 農化, 2002, 76,
6) Misawa, N. : Carotenoid biosynthesis at the gene level, Dynamic Aspects of Natural Products Chemistry, ed. Ogura, K., Sankawa, U., 1997, p49-p72, Kodansha, Tokyo, Japan and Harwood Academic Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Phaffia rhodozyma
1) Phaff, H.J. : My life with yeasts, Annu. Rev. Microbiol., 1986, 40, 1-28.
2) Andrewes, A.G., Phaffia, H.J., Starr, M.P. : Phytochem., 1976, 15, 1003-1007.
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4) Ramirez, J., Gutierrez, H., Gschaedler, A. : Optimization of astaxanthin production by Phaffia rhodozyma through factorial design and response surface methodology, J. Biotechnol., 2001, 88, 259-268.
5) Andrewes, A.G., Starr, M.P. : (3R,3'R)-Asttaxanthin from the yeast Phaffa rhodozyma, Phytochem., 1976, 15, 1009-1011.
6) Andrewes, A.G., Phaffia, H.J., Starr, M.P. : Carotenids of Phaffa rhodozyma, a red pigmented fermenting yeast, Phytochem., 1976, 15, 1003-1007.
1) Eric, S., Johnson, Gil-Hwan An : Astaxanthin from Microbial Sources, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 1991, 11, 297-326.
2) Tischer, J. : Carotenoids of fresh-water algae VI. The epiphasic carotenoids and a colorless accompanying substance of some red Euglena species, Z. Physiol. Chem., 1939, 259, 163-170
3) Yokoyama, A., Izumida, H., Miki, W. : Production of astaxanthin and 4-ketozeaxanthin by the marine
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7) Lee, J.H., Kim, Y.S., Choi, T.J., Lee, W.J., Kim, Y.T. : Paracoccus haeundaensis sp. nov., a Gram-negative, halophilic, astaxanthin-producing bacterium, Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., 2004, 54, 1699-1702.
1) Sludnitz, Gv., Neumann, H.J., Loevenich HK : The nature of the oil droplets and visual substance, Arch. ges. Physiol., 1943, 246, 652-663.
2) Manunta, C. : Astaxanthin and other terrestrrrial arthropods, Nature, 1948, 162, 298.
3) Volker, O. : Isolation of lutein from feathers, and the detection of astaxanthin in the plumage of certain birds, Hoppe Seylers Z. Physiol. Chem., 1951, 288, 20-24.
4) Grengaud, R., Gaaarcia, I., Massoent, R. : Presentation of evidence for astaxanthin in Triton nodifer,
Compt. Rend., 1952, 235, 446-448.
5) Fox, D.L. : Astaxanthin in the American flamingo, Nature, 1955, 175, 942-943.
6) Seybold, A., Goodwin, T.W. : Occurrence of astaxanthin in the flower petals of Adonis annua L., Nature, 1959, 184, 1714-1715.
7) Czeczuga, B. : Astaxanthin ester, a dominating carotenoid in Taenia saginata (Cestoidea), Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. Biol., 1975, 23, 829-832.
8) Czeczuga, B. : Astaxathin, a dominating carotenoid in four species of leeches, Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci. Biol., 1977, 25, 85-87.
9) Lipetz, L.E. : Pigment types, densities and concentrations in cone oil droplets of Emydoidea blandingii, Vision Res., 1984, 24, 605-612
関連文献・研究 (アスタキサンチンの化学)
1) Kuhn, R., Soerensen, N.A. : The coloring matters of the lobster (Astacus gammarus L.), Z. Angew. Chem.,1938, 51, 465-466.
2) Cheesman, D.F. : Ovorubin, a chromoprotein from the eggs of the gastropod mollusc Pomacea canaliculata, Proc. Roy. Soc. B, 1958, 149, 571-587.
3) Davies, B.H. : In “Chemistry and Biochemistry of Plant Pigments”, T. W. Goodwin ed., 2nd ed., 38-165, Academic Press, NY, 1976.
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composition of carotenoid pigments in the antarctic krill Euphausia superba, Bull. Jap. Sos. Sci. Fish.,
1983, 49, 1411-1415.
5) Renstrom, B., Liaaen-Jensen, S. : Fatty acids of some esterified carotenols, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B, Comp. Biochem., 1981, 69, 625-627.
6) Andrewes, A.G., Starr, M.P. : (3R,3'R)-Asttaxanthin from the yeast Phaffa rhodozyma, Phytochem., 1976, 15, 1009-1011.
7) Andrewes, A.G., Phaffia, H.J., Starr, M.P. : Carotenids of Phaffa rhodozyma, a red pigmented fermenting yeast, Phytochem., 1976, 15, 1003-1007.
8) Surmatis, J.D., Thommen. R. : A total synthesis of astaxanthin dimethyl ether, J. Org. Chem., 1967, 32, 180-184.
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11) Liu, J., Colmenares, L.U., Liu, R.S.H. : Fluorinated Astaxanthins, Tetrahedron Lett., 1997, 38,
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13) Coral-Hinostroza,G.N., Bjerkeng,B. : Astaxanthin from the red crab langostilla (Pleuroncodes planipes): optical R/S isomers and fatty acid moieties of astaxanthin esters, Comp. Biochem. Physiol. B Biochem.
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関連文献・研究 (アスタキサンチンの製法)
Haematococcus pluvialis
1) Osterlie, M., Bjerkeng, B., Liaaen-Jensen, S.:Plasma appearance and distribution of astaxanthin E/Z and R/S isomers in plasma lipoproteins of men after single dose administration of astaxanthin, J. Nutr.
Biochem., 2000, 11, 482-490.
2) Renstrom, B., Borech, G., Skulberg, O., Liaaen-Jensen, S. : Optical purity of (3S,3′S)-astaxanthin fromHaematococcus pluvialis, Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, 2561-2564.
3) Andrewes, A.G., Starr, M.P. : (3R,3'R)-Asttaxanthin from the yeast Phaffa rhodozyma, Phytochem., 1976, 15, 1009-1011.
4) Bubrick, P. : Production of Astaxanthin from Haematococcus, Bioresour Technol., 1991, 38, 237-239.
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